Google Cloud - GKE

See the options to try out


  • Cloud Version Managed by Create a free account now

  • Deploy and manage your own instance by following this guide.

Get started

Installing in your infrastructure is straightforward. After everything is properly installed and configured, you will have a web interface to create and manage access to your connections for everyone you invite to use it.

Deployment options


This deployment leverages AWS CloudFormation

Azure AKS

This deployment leverages AWS CloudFormation

Google Cloud GKE

This deployment leverages AWS CloudFormatio

DockerRun locally or remotely in any Linux instance.

In Version 1,

To install the latest version in a new namespace (example: appdemo). Issue the command below:

Overwriting or passing new attributes

It is possible to add new attributes or overwrite an attribute from a base values.yaml file. In the example below, we enable the deployment of an agent running side by side with the gateway.

helm upgrade --install hoop \$VERSION/hoop-chart-$VERSION.tgz \
  -f values.yaml \
  --set agentConfig.HOOP_KEY=<AUTH_KEY> \
  --set agentConfig.LOG_LEVEL=debug



a. Flux CLI, kubectl & Cloud Provider CLI

Install Kubectl

brew install fluxcd/tap/flux

Install Flux CLI

brew install fluxcd/tap/flux

1. Deploy Infrastructure

If you wish to

2. Deploy Application

To create a fork of a repository, use the gh repo fork subcommand.

gh repo fork REPOSITORY

3. Login and Validate

4. Connect Environments

a. AWS Accounts

b. Azure Subscriptions

5. Start Governing

Invite Others

Setup SSO

Setup SSL