AWS Accounts

We've included a CloudFormation script that automatically configures the Organization and Member accounts with the required configuration.

Access Architecture (Background and Overview)

The above picture captures the Cross Account/Role pattern utilized to access multiple accounts.

OpenGovernance employs a structured approach to manage resources across multiple AWS accounts using IAM users and roles, coupled with CloudFormation for automated setup.

We'll deploy a CloudFormation template in a designated "organization" or "management" account within your organization:

  1. IAM User Creation:Create an IAM user in the Organization Admin account within AWS to allow OpenGovernance to perform actions across the AWS environment.

  2. Member Accounts Configuration:

    Configure each member account with an IAM role that grants the OpenGovernance service account the necessary permissions to inventory and manage resources.

Prerequisites: #

  • OpenGovernance

  • AWS CLI V2 installed and configured

  • Admin access to the Root Account of your AWS Organization


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